Oh Happy Day!!

It’s only 3pm and my day has been pretty fetch!! My Mommy came over and I flat ironed her hair. We  had to go to the hardware store to make copies of my keys for her *since she lost all of hers*. We then went to Fresh & Easy and Noahs for lunch. My lovely Liv was so amazing, she slept the whole time while I was doing Momm’y’s hair and she was happy and quiet while we were out. Now she’s laying on her Boppy on the couch next to me with a bad case of the hiccups *they bother me more than they bother her*. The cherry on top of my awesome day is the mailman throwing over the gate 2 packages for me. The first of course from Border’s were the books I ordered for Liv last week.

I love board books, I am reading them both to her tonight.
After a whole month of waiting I finally got my Push Present from Love & Victory!!!

Her name and birthdate are engraved on the ring
Please forgive my wonky manicure, I tried to hide my nails

I am literally jumping up and down squealing! It’s so pretty and it fits perfectly. I can’t stop smiling when I look at my right hand. *sparkly* What a great day. The only thing I need to happen next is my honey to come home and we go out for a yummy sushi dinner in Little Tokyo *wishful thinking*

No sushi for dinner but California has finally come to it’s senses and has ruled Prop 8 as unconstituitional and has overturned the ban on gay marriage!! Not only is this amazing news but duh Cali, the income on gay weddings alone should bring us out of bankruptcy.

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