School House Rocks!

This afternoon I went back to school *which has been over 15 years, cause I’m a fossil* by taking Nicole Balch’s Growing a Readership alt Summit online class. I had to drop Liv off at Antz job so I could have the hour undisturbed and I made it home with literally a minute to spare. I had no idea how it would work but it turned out to be a chatroom *remember those from the 90s?* and we could see Nicole and she could see our comments. Let me nerd out for a moment please, I was kinda, oddly starstruck. Nicole is as down to Earth as they come but she is a blog God to me. Her style *Making it Lovely* is so polished, her content leaves me so inspired and her technique is user friendly and simple. I feel like my blog is like peeking in an insane asylum and you see me in a padded room wearing a straightjacket. I made a list of things I need to get on, ASAP. Firstly, why aren’t I using my Instagram more often? As you can see, I am much better off taking photos with that than my horrible Nikon.

using Instagram
using the Nikon

Second, it’s long overdue to redesign my blog and start creating better content and better photos. You lovelies deserve the BEST!! I’m so pumped up about designing the home page, I need brighter colors and a cheery overall impression. This gray is feeling gloomy and I don’t want to come off as emo *do the kids still say that?* Now I’ll be pinteresting all night. Lastly, I HAVE to attend alt Summit!! The ladies I met at the class were super sweet and funny and I would love to extend my online networking. Later Lovelies!

A few shots of Nicole during the class




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